

Policy Instruments


Individualised Marketing to Reduce Car Use

SummaryTaxonomy and descriptionFirst principles assesmentEvidence on performancePolicy contributionComplementary instrumentsReferences


Individualised marketing campaigns to reduce car use are a targeted form of public awareness campaign. Public awareness campaigns are programmes designed to increase individuals' awareness of alternatives to car use. Campaigns can range from blanket advertising to individualised marketing projects. It is also possible to run both simultaneously, such that the advertising supports the individualised marketing.

There are a number of steps on the way to achieving a reduction in car use. It should also be noted that having made a change, habitual drivers can relapse into old travel patterns. Relapse may occur if individuals do not feel supported, they feel they are making changes in isolation, the alternatives they are using do not adequately meet their needs or involve too much effort, or they perceive that the need to use cars less has receded. Such relapses may not be permanent. Individuals can cycle through the stages of change several times. Often the change will be longer lasting each time until it becomes habitual.

Individualised marketing campaigns are usually introduced to reduce car use, although they can be used in conjunction with other measures to support those policy instruments and achieve a greater overall impact. Demand impacts may be small initially (although this depends on other policy instruments), but are incremental over time as more campaigns are implemented. Contributions to achieving policy objectives are therefore mainly positive.

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Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT