Empirical evidence of the impact of early urban charging schemes comes
from London (TfL Annual Monitoring Report, 2006) Singapore (Holland and
Watson, 1982) and Norway (Larsen, 1988).
A Singapore Area Licence Scheme
Singapore introduced an Area Licensing Scheme in 1975 to reduce congestion
in the city centre. Drivers had to purchase licences for a day or a month
to allow them to enter the defined area between 0730 and 1015. The initial
charge was S$3; this was raised to S$4 in 1976. Vehicles with four or
more occupants were exempt. Police at the 22 entry points observed vehicles
and recorded those without licences; they were then fined. Subsequent
modifications involved extensions to the evening peak, the working day
and Saturdays, to a set of charging points on expressways, and to all
cars however many occupants they had. Different charges were levied for
different types of vehicle. A major study was conducted in 1975 (Holland
and Watson, 1978); the evidence below comes from this.
Impacts on demand
Most affected drivers continued to travel to the city
centre; there were no recorded reductions in numbers or length of
journey or destination.
19% of drivers travelling to the city
centre switched to bus; 17% switched to car sharing to take advantage
of the exemption for cars with four or more people.
22% of drivers travelling to the city centre switched
to travelling before or after the charged period, resulting in some
increases in congestion then.
Many drivers travelling through the city centre diverted
to the ring road, resulting in some increases in congestion on that
route; a few changed mode or time of travel.
Surprisingly there were very few changes in evening peak travel; it appeared
that people continued to use their cars to leave the city centre in the
evening peak, even though they had made changes in the morning.
Impacts on supply
Only minor adjustments were made to the road network, and no delays were
caused at the entry points. However, drivers did need to spend time purchasing
licences. It should be noted that whilst overall supply of road space
has not changed, because each vehicle on the road impacts upon the supply
available to all other vehicles, the supply of road space and therefore
"quality of service" for each vehicle is greatly improved.
Contribution to objectives
Scale of contribution
The reduction of 44% of traffic
entering the centre resulted in an increase in speeds of 22% in the
centre and 10% on the approaches. Speeds fell by up to 20% on the
inner ring road. No comprehensive cost-benefit analysis was conducted,
but it is clear that there were substantial reductions in congestion
costs and increases in benefits. It is possible that charges were,
in practice, too high and that greater benefits could have been obtained
by a smaller reduction in car-use.
The scheme’s impact was
primarily on the commercial and business centre of the city. Residential
streets were therefore little affected, but there was an improvement
in conditions in shopping streets and the business district.
This was not a key objective
and no attempt was made to assess impacts. However, it can be expected
that it was improved in the city centre in the morning peak, with
some minor deterioration outside the controlled periods and on the
inner ring road.
The study attempted to identify
gainers and losers, but found little evidence of differential impacts,
and suggested that the range of alternatives offered reduced the scale
of any inequities. A subsequent study, however, suggested that poorer
car-drivers had been adversely affected (Wilson, 1988).
This was not a key objective
and no attempt was made to assess impacts. However, it can be expected
that it was improved in the city centre in the morning peak, with
some minor deterioration outside the controlled periods and on the
inner ring road.
An attempt was made ten years
later to identify impacts on the urban economy and business relocation.
None were found; they had been dwarfed by the expansion of Singapore’s
economic base. Businesses were very supportive of the scheme.
In 1975 prices costs were approximately
S£60M, the operating costs S£1m PA, and revenues approximately
S£7M PA. Although revenue-raising was never an objective, the
scheme raised substantial net revenues; operating costs being only
12% of revenues.
= Weakest
possible positive contribution,
= strongest
possible positive contribution
= Weakest
possible negative contribution
= strongest
possible negative contribution
No contribution
Singapore Electronic Road Pricing
In 1998 the Area Licensing Scheme was replaced by an Electronic Road
Pricing Scheme. 97% of the 700,000 vehicles in Singapore were fitted with
on board units, in which smart cards were inserted. Gantries at the Area
Licensing Scheme entry points and expressway charging points were equipped
to identify, interrogate, charge and, if necessary for enforcement, photograph,
all vehicles passing. Charges are now levied per crossing rather than
per day, and vary by time of day and vehicle type. Charges are revised
quarterly to maintain speeds at between 20 km/h and 30 km/h in the city
centre, and 45 km/h and 60 km/h on expressways. As a result charges are
lower than with the Area Licensing Scheme for much of the day and have
been waived on Saturdays. Early results are now available (Menon, 2000).
Impacts on demand
There is no evidence of any further impact on the origins
and desinations of jouneys.
It may be that there have been some changes in mode,
given the further reduction in traffic levels, which are 15% below
those under the Area Licensing Scheme.
Drivers appear to be very sensitive to differences in
change by time of day. In addition the number of
multiple entries was substantially reduced.
There is no evidence that further changes in route have
occurred, although there are still some congestion problems on the
boundary route.
Impacts on supply
Capacity has been maintained, and the delays involved in purchasing licences
Contribution to objectives
Scale of contribution
(change from previous charging system)
Likely scale of contribution if
implemented from situation with no congestion charge in place
No detailed analysis has been
conducted but it seems probable that, by targeting charge levels to
achieve optimal speeds, efficiency has increased.
As with area licensing, there
was little impact on residential streets
This was not a key objective.
There will have been some limited further reduction in environmental
impact through the further reduction in traffic
No assessment of equity impacts
has been made, but those making occasional journeys off-peak and on
Saturdays will have benefited, while costs will have increased for
those making multiple journeys.
This was not a key objective.
There will have been a limited further reduction in accidents through
the further reduction in traffic.
It seems very unlikely that
there will have been significant impacts on the urban economy.
The cost of introducing electronic
road pricing was substantial, at S£200M. Revenues are, in practice,
lower than with area licensing, at S£8M PA, but revenue generation
is not an objective.
= Weakest
possible positive contribution,
= strongest
possible positive contribution
= Weakest
possible negative contribution
= strongest
possible negative contribution
No contribution
Toll rings in Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim
In 1986 Bergen, Norway's second largest city, was the first city in
Europe to introduce a toll ring (or cordon) charging system. It was introduced
with the objective of raising the finances required to accelerate the
implementation of a wide-ranging programme of transport investment. The
system charges all vehicles (other than buses in regular service) a flat
fee for entering the city's central business district and operates between
6AM and 10PM Monday-Friday. Toll rings were subsequently also introduced
in Oslo and Trondheim. As in Bergen, the main objective is to raise revenue
so charges are set according to revenue goals, though both Oslo and Trondheim
use electronic toll collection and in Trondheim tolls are differenciated
by time of day.
Impact on demand
In Bergen, whilst it was expected that the ring would
decrease traffic volumes by around 3%, other than a slight decrease
in the beginning there has been an average annual traffic growth of
2-3%. In Trondheim there have been significant impacts on peak hour
traffic levels, with reductions of 10% immediately following the introduction
of the differentiated charges, reducing still further over time to
17% below the precharge level.
It is likely that there has been some change in modal
share over the period, though this will have been in part due to the
investment in public transport, using the revenues from the toll rings,
which has taken place over the period.
Reductions in peak traffic in Trondheim resulting from
the differentiated charge were outweighed by increases in traffic
in off peak periods.
In Bergen, there are no natural detours so there has
been little impact on route choice.
Impact on supply
The toll rings themselves have not affected overall supply, though the
finance they have generated has enabled a series of major transport projects
to be implemented. It should be noted that whilst overall supply of road
space has not changed, because each vehicle on the road impacts upon the
supply available to all other vehicles, the supply of road space and therefore
"quality of service" for each vehicle is greatly improved.
Contribution to objectives
Scale of contribution
No detailed analysis has been
conducted but it seems probable that, in Trondheim at least, efficiency
will have been increased via the targeting of the charge on peak period
The schemes are focused on the
central business districts. Residential streets are therefore likely
to have been little affected, though there may have been an improvement
in conditions in the central shopping streets.
This was not a key objective.
There is likely to have been some reduction in environmental impact
through the reduction of traffic.
No assessment of equity impacts
has been made, but those making occasional journeys outside the charging
periods, eg on Saturdays, will have benefited while costs will have
been imposed on those travelling during the charging periods, eg during
the peak periods in Trondheim. Opinion polls originally indicated
that approximately two thirds of Bergen’s population were against
the toll ring, though it has now been widely accepted by the majority.
The change in opinion is thought to be connected with the visible
improvements in the local transport network benefiting everyone and
is despite relatively high levels of tax on motoring.
This was not a key objective.
There may have been a limited reduction in accidents through the deterance
of car travel, though this is likely to have been offset by increase
in road capacity.
In Bergen, Saturday was deliberately
kept free from tolls in order to support the city’s shops. However,
the effect on city centre shopping is not known. The reduction in
congestion is likely to have boosted productivity which may have impacted
on economic growth.
In Bergen the initial investment
to establish the ring was approximately NOK 15M (€1.85 million).
Annual income has been higher than expected and is approximately NOK
70M (€8.645 million). Of this, NOK 50M is spent on roads, NOK
14M is taken up in operating costs and NOK 7M is stored in a fund
(the use of which attracts great political debate).
Financial and technical support from the US Federal Highways Administration
(FHWA) has been used to facilitate the implementation of three pricing
projects which have come to be known as 'value pricing' schemes. In addition,
the FHWA has supported a comprehensive study of an additional, privately
operated pricing project.
The first of the three value pricing projects was implemented in 1996
along the 13km high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) section of Interstate 15 (I15)
in San Diego. Access to the HOV lane was extended to include a limited
number of solo drivers who were able to pay for a monthly pass for use
of the HOV lane during peak periods. The number of available passes rose
gradually from 500 to 900 over the first year and the cost of the pass
rose from $50 to $70. Then, in March 1998, the pricing scheme was upgraded
to become an automated, dynamic system. Congestion in the HOV lane is
monitered and forms the basis of the toll levels. Tolls are set with the
aim of maintaining 'free-flow' conditions in the HOV lane and range between
$0.50 and $4. They vary as often as every 6 minutes and the current toll
level is displayed on a real-time sign post in advance of the entry to
the lane. Tolls are deducted using transponders and over-head readers
A similar scheme has since been introduced in Houston, Texas. In addition,
higher peak fees on existing toll roads and bridges have been introduced
in Lee County.
Impacts on demand
Traffic volumes along the section of I15 increased 'moderately
(by approximately 6%)', comprising a significant (48%) increase in
volumes in the HOV lane (as paying users took up the spare capacity
which existed in the HOV lane prior to the introduction of value pricing)
and a slight decrease in volumes in the other I15 lanes. The overall
increase during the peak was smaller than was observed in the 'control'
corridor. But peak spreading is certain to have meant that overall
traffic flows increased.
Some diversion to express bus services is indicated,
though this would appear to have been a relatively minor impact.
The main impact has been to divert trips from the peak;
both from the middle of the peak to the 'shoulder' of the peak and
from peak to off-peak.
No evidence reported.
Impacts on supply
By freeing up the spare capacity in the HOV lane for use by non-HOV users,
the I15 value pricing scheme has, in effect, increased the overall capacity
of the road. In addition, the revenues it has generated have provided
funding for a new express bus service along the corridor.
Contribution to objectives
Scale of contribution
Conversion of the HOV lanes
to HOT has used up spare capacity in that lane so improving efficiency
in the short-term. Revenue has paid for a bus service which may also
have improved efficiency. Redistribution of trips to either side of
the peak also improves efficiency. There has not been any apparent
reduction in car-sharing. Cost benefit analysis over a 20 year period
showed the scheme to be a success.
Not in an area where people
live or work but the peak spreading observed may have reduced liveability
in such areas that are origins and destinations connected by I15.
Reduced congestion in the short-term
but perhaps in the longer term less incentive to car share and so
higher traffic levels. Overall traffic levels almost certainly increased
and so CO2 emissions likely to be higher. But the scheme did fund
an express bus service.
No evidence presented but it
is likely to be the more wealthy that pay the charge for the HOT lane,
the revenue raised has then been used to fund an express bus service
which may benefit the socially excluded.
No evidence presented but better
distribution of traffic either side of the peak may have reduced accidents
but on the other hand increased overall volumes may have led to an
No evidence presented but likely
to be beneficial.
The scheme provided revenues
which under state law had to be used to fund transport improvements
along the corridor. The net financial impact is therefore neutral.
= Weakest
possible positive contribution,
= strongest
possible positive contribution
= Weakest
possible negative contribution
= strongest
possible negative contribution
No contribution
Congestion charging in London
Unless it is stated otherwise material in this case study is taken from
the Central London Congestion Charging, Fourth impacts monitoring report,
June 2006 available at http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/cclondon/pdfs/Fourth-Annual-Report-Overview.pdf
The London congestion charge was implemented in February 2003. The key
elements of the scheme as it was originally set up are set out below:
Scheme operates on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the area
of Central London, as shown in the map.
Cars, vans and lorries charged £5 to operate within the zone.
Exemptions include motorcycles, licensed taxis, vehicles used by disabled
people, some alternative fuel vehicles, buses and emergency vehicles.
Area residents receive a 90% discount for their vehicles.
Payments can be made on the Internet, at payment booths in the area,
with text messages and at retail outlets displaying the congestion charge
logo such as newsagents.
Cameras automatically check the number plates of eligible vehicles
driving into and within the zone. The numbers are automatically checked
against a database of vehicles that have paid the charge. If the charge
has been paid the number is deleted from the database (avoiding privacy
issues) with only those vehicles that have not been paid for having
the details stored. If the vehicle has still not been paid for by 2400
that day then a fine of £80 is issued. This is reduced to £40
if paid within two weeks.
In July 2005 the basic daily charge increased to £8.
Congestion Charging Zone and Residents Discount Area
Congestion charging signs at the edge of the zone (left), public
telephone with Internet payment (middle), cameras within the zone (right)
Impacts on demand
The charge has had a dramatic impact on travel demand in the capital.
The following is reported in TfL's monitoring study:
Vehicle kilometres (vehicles with four or more wheels) in the charging
zone during charging hours were reported to have dropped by 15% in the
first year whilst the number of vehicles entering the charging zone
during charging hours was down by 18%. These levels of traffic reduction
have been largely sustained in the fist three years of implementation.
Both of these outcomes were towards the top end of the range of TfL's
The increase from £5 to £8 resulted in further a reduction
of around 4% in traffic entering the charging zone.
Small increases in traffic observed on the inner ring road which forms
the boundary of the charging zone.
Outside of the charging zone more generally there was no significant
evidence of an increase in traffic as a result of the scheme.
Congestion in the zone during the charging period dropped in the first
year by approximately 30%. Subsequently there has been some dilution
of this impact.
Total number of trips into the area have been relatively unaffected
with car users transferring to London Underground, buses, trains, cycling,
powered two wheelers, taxis and walking.
Numbers of pedal cycles entering the zone during charging hours have
increased by around 25%.
Traffic entering the charging zone during charging hours
Key changes in traffic entering the charging zone during charging
hours. Annualised weekdays for 2002 (pre-charging), 2003, 2004 and spring
2005 (charging at £5) and autumn 2005 (charging at £8)
The fact that drivers paying the charge can drive all day at no extra
charge leads to the possibility that those vehicles (and those that are
exempt) may take advantage of the less congested conditions by increasing
their mileage within the zone. The table below indicates that this has
not been a significant problem with vehicle kilometres (vehicles with
four wheels or more) within the zone showing the same percentage reduction
as numbers entering the zone shown in the table above.
Year-on-year percentage change in vehicle kilometres driven within
the charging zone during charging hours, annualised weekdays for 2002,
2003, 2004 and 2005
The figures below illustrate that the charge has not caused a major displacement
of traffic to the times of day either side of the charging hours. Furthermore,
after an initial "spikiness" that is evident in 2004, traffic
distribution throughout the day is settling down to take a shape very
similar to that before the charge.
Traffic entering the charging zone by time of day. Annualised
weekdays for 2002 (pre-charging), and 2003, 2004 and 2005 (post charging),
all vehicles
Traffic leaving the charging zone by time of day. Annualised
weekdays for 2002 (pre-charging), and 2003, 2004 and 2005 (post charging),
all vehicles
Impacts on supply
Reduced congestion improved bus performance dramatically with excess
waiting times falling by 30% in the first year and a further 18% in
the second year.
Further improvements in the quality of the bus service were achieved
through the increased investment in preparation for and post implementation
of the charge. TfL has identified £20 million per annum extra
spending on buses associated with the scheme.
Reduced congestion improved journey times and fuel costs for cars
and goods vehicles.
Taxis benefited from reduced congestion with increased speed and reduced
cost to passengers.
Measures have been implemented to improve the "Level of service"
for walking and cycling.
Measures to improve priority for bus services, walking and cycling
have led to a small reduction in capacity for private vehicles.
There is no evidence of a negative impact on business performance and
the majority of businesses now support the scheme which was not the case
prior to its implementation.
Other Impacts
The table below shows significant drops in accidents in the charging
zone and inner ring road. Part of this reduction can be attributed to
the congestion charge itself but the majority is likely to be due to other
other safety initiatives, some of which have been made possible by the
congestion charge. That part of the reduction in accidents can be attributed
to factors other than the congestion charge is clear from the reductions
in accidents for the rest of London.
Total reported personal injury road traffic accidents by area,
2001 to 2004
Monetarised Costs and benefits
Summary of principal annual operating costs and road user benefits
(£ millions, 2005 prices and values, charge at £5)
Research by other authors has questioned TfL's conclusions. Prud’homme
and Bocajero (2005) conclude that the charge is an economic failure. However,
other commentators (Mackie, 2005; Raux, 2005) have taken issue with some
of the detail of their assessment.
Contribution to objectives
Scale of contribution
The significant reductions in
congestion with transfer to more sustainable modes represents a major
increase in economic efficiency. Operating costs are high however
and do reduce the net economic benefit of the scheme. Total benefits
are £200 million per annum with total costs including extra
buses at £110 million. This gives a net annual benefit of £90
million. TfL figures are not universally accepted however, particularly
regarding the values of time used, and so there is still some degree
of uncertainty over the efficiency case.
There is strong evidence that
the reduced levels of traffic and the increased space and priority
for pedestrians and cyclists represent a significant improvement in
amenity in the zone. Major increases in traffic diverting around the
zone have not been an issue.
Reductions in vehicle traffic
and congestion have reduced emissions of CO2 by 15.7% in the zone
and 8.5% on the inner ring road. Local pollutants in the zone were
down by 13% and 16% for NOx and PM10 respectively; whilst both pollutants
were down by 7% on the inner ring road.
No evidence presented on equity
and social inclusion directly but the improvement in public transport
and bus services in particular, improved amenity for walking and cycling
and reduced accidents are all likely to disproportionately benefit
the socially excluded.
Between 60 (2.8%) and 140 (-6.5%)
fewer accidents are estimated to occur in the zone and inner ring
road as a result of the scheme. The savings have been given a monetary
value of £15 million per annum.
The overall conclusion is that
the impact on London’s economy has been neutral.
Projected net revenues for
the financial year 2005/2006 are £122 million. This figure can
be expected to improve in the following financial year with the full
revenue effects of increased charge.
= Weakest
possible positive contribution,
= strongest
possible positive contribution
= Weakest
possible negative contribution
= strongest
possible negative contribution
No contribution
Case study: Western Extension of London Congestion Charging Scheme
Following the political and operational success of the London congestion
charge implemented in 2003 an extension of the zone is planned for 2007.
The charge throughout the area will be £8, and residents throughout
the extended area will all benefit from the 90% rebate. Two critical through
routes will remain free of charge. On implementation of the extended zone
charging hours in the whole charging area (existing and extended) will
end at 6 p.m. The figure below shows the extended congestion charging
The extended central London congestion charging zone
Impacts on demand and supply
Transport for London have conducted modelling work using the London
Travel Survey model to project the impacts of the western extension the
results are summarised in the table below.
Traffic entering Western zone before and after introduction of
an £8 charge 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Note: figures have been rounded.
The table below summarises projected changes in traffic as a result of
the implementation of the western extension. The increase in traffic in
the central zone is likely to be primarily due to residents of the extended
zone being eligible for a discount in the original central zone. A smaller
increase is likely to be as a result of traffic that terminates in the
western extension zone no longer diverting around the central zone to
avoid the charge.
Summary of LTS Model Projections (including ranges of projected
Other Impacts
Business Impacts
The table below shows the anticipated potential business impacts for
the western extension zone.
Potential aggregate impact of the western extension by business
sector, 6 p.m. finish to charging
Economic impacts
The tables below show the projected economic impacts of the western
extension. The low sensitivity refers to a low behavioural response to
the new charging regime.
Estimated traffic and transport benefits of a western extension
£ million per year: 6 p.m. finish to charging
Western Extension, 6 p.m. finish to charging. Undiscounted and
discounted (3.5%) costs, revenues and benefits
Cost-Benefit Implications of the Proposed Western Extension
Contribution to objectives
Scale of contribution
The reduced congestion in the
extended zone that is projected is expected to reduce journey times
for car and bus users therefore representing an efficiency improvement.
Overall projected benefit cost ratio for the proposed 6 p.m. finish
is 0.80 to 1.15 over a 10-year period.
The projected reductions in
traffic levels in the extended zone can be expected to improve liveability.
The implementation of the scheme will also allow improved priority
for walking and cycling.
The projected reductions in
traffic levels in the extended zone are expected to lead to small
reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases and local pollutants.
It is suggested that reduced exposure to particulates could delay
one or two deaths a year and delay or prevent two to four Hospital
admissions a year in inner London.
No evidence presented on equity
and social inclusion but improved public transport and greater priority
for walking and cycling are likely to benefit the socially excluded.
With less traffic a reduction
in accidents is likely. TfL projects a reduction in accidents of 80
to 150 accidents per year. This projection incorporates an increase
of 10 to 20 accidents per year in the central zone due to the increase
in traffic.
The extension is predicted to
have a neutral effect on most economic activities, but some negative
effects on shops, hotels and restaurants.
With the proposed 6 p.m. finish
to the charging hours projected discounted net revenue is £-4
million to +£130 million over a 10-year period. This includes
the cost of additional bus services at £11 to £16 million
per year.
Demonstration projects
A number of demonstration projects throughout Europe have been undertaken
in recent years, the results of which are summarised below.
The Leicester Environmental Road Tolling Scheme (LERTS)
involved monitoring the use of a small scale electronic tolling scheme
by 100 volunteers who were given money which they could either use to
pay the toll or which they could save by using the alternative services
provided (park and ride and bus priority). Interim results indicate:
Patronage on the park and ride service grew from 1300 to 3150 passengers
per week, illustrating a latent demand for the service even in the absence
of the toll scheme;
Journey time savings for bus of 25% (24 to 18 minutes);
Journey time savings for cars of 3% (14.5 to 14 minutes);
Transfer from car to park and ride amongst commuters during the tolling
period ranged between 16% and 32%, with transfer to bus and to ride-sharing
each in the range 1-4%;
31.9% of people made no change;
25.2% changed route;
12.8% changed departure time;
14.9% used park and ride;
2.1% used other Bus;
The Stuttgart 'MobilPass'
field trial involved 350 users in a test of different pricing strategies
using an electronic fee collection system. Simulations using the MobilPass
data have shown that, in principle, corridor tolls on peri-urban roads
accessing Stuttgart will result in greater transport and emission reductions
than a cordon toll does. This is because, in the case of a cordon, the
toll paid includes any subsequent trips made within the cordon, where
as in a corridor the effect of pricing schemes will be noticed directly.
The Athens cordon pricing experiment, undertaken as part of the TRANSPRICE
project, involved two groups of 50 selected users, each made up of current
car users who commute to central Athens from northern Athens suburbs.
The users were allocated a nominal budget and presented with a choice
of either driving to central Athens in their car, as before, but having
to use their budget to pay to cross a cordon or switching to a metro-based
park and ride service with the opportunity to save their budget. The results
65% of users made no change;
24.0% of users switched to the park and ride service;
5.5% of users switched to other public transport;
5.5% of users switched to other modes (e.g. ride
sharing, taxi).
The Bristol ELGAR
demonstration project, undertaken as part of the CONCERT
project, involved an electronic road pricing scheme whereby 116 volunteers
could be rewarded for switching to modes other than private car for their
journey into the city centre, a package of public transport improvements
and a series of variable message signs giving information on pollution
levels. Findings indicate that
The majority of users continued to use their car as before;
15.1% of journeys switched from private cars to other modes (though
it was found that most of the reduction resulted from a few of the participants
switching nearly all of their trips from private car);
over half of the respondents to the follow-up questionnaire thought
that the revenue from any future road pricing scheme should be spent
on improving public transport; and
three-quarters of those switching to public transport expressed a
positive opinion about this experience.
A major new field trial was operational in Stockholm from January to
July 2006. Its results will be included in KonSULT once a decision has
been made on its future.
Gaps and weaknesses
The London congestion charge with its detailed monitoring studies has
done a great deal to improve our understanding of how such a scheme is
likely to work in a major western city. No other scheme has been monitored
as thoroughly as in London. However, the scheme implemented in London
is a fairly simple and imperfect and so caution should be taken when applying
the lessons from the London scheme to other types of scheme. Whilst the
London scheme is generally considered to have been a success it is far
too early to draw any definitive conclusions on the long-term economic
impact. Economic impacts are particularly unclear in centres that face
competition from other conurbations in terms of shopping trips and job
Text edited at the Institute for
Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT