Types of instrument
Overcoming financial barriers
Overcoming political barriers
Compensating losers
Reinforcing benefits
Social housing in the charging zone to protect less well off against "gentrification"
High-density PT orientated development
Attitudenal and behavioural
Marketing and behavioural change campaigns
Behavioural change campaigns
Infrastructure measures
New rail stations,
bus lanes,
Light rail systems,
Guided bus systems
New rail stations
bus lanes
Light rail systems
Guided bus systems
Management of the infrastructure
Public transport Service levels
Public transport Service levels
Cycle parking and safe, pleasant and convenient walk and cycle routes to interchanges
Pedestrianised streets, restricted access for private vehicles, traffic-calming and lower speed limits
Information provision
Real time public transport information.
Conventional timetable and other service information.
Public transport fare levels.
Public transport fare structures
Public transport fare levels.
Public transport fare structures