The Motor
Industry Research Association is an independent
automotive engineering research and development centre.
It has served the automotive industry as an association
from its Nuneaton, UK headquarters for 50 years. Currently
over 150 companies are members of MIRA’s association,
helping to direct and assist its technological development.
Approximately 500 staff are employed by MIRA having
a wide range of scientific and engineering skills.
MIRA operates a unique combination of facilities to
assist manufacturers develop vehicle and component
designs. Major areas of business and facilities include
aerodynamics, components and materials, crash worthiness,
electronics and electrical systems, engine and emissions
laboratories, ride and handling, vehicle Acoustics
and whole vehicle evaluation.
Each of these major
facilities is backed by state-of-the-art capabilities
in computer based modelling to support the practical
testing. These facilities and capabilities are constantly
being updated by an active MIRA research programme. This research activity is co-ordinated by the
MIRA Research and Technology planning group who are
also responsible for carrying out investigative work
into new transport concepts and transport sector requirements.
The emergence of new vehicle electronics and
telematics systems is also reflected in the MIRA research
programme activities.
This involves activities with national and
international organisations (governments and industry)
and standards bodies.
The need to maintain a human-centred approach
to the design of new transport technologies is regarded
as a priority concern and relates to many aspects
of MIRA research.
Mark Fowkes joined MIRA as a human factors engineer in the vehicle
safety department at MIRA in 1977.
Initially responsible for vehicle homologation
work he soon moved to undertaking Human Factors research
activities on a wide range of topics. These included driver anthropometrics surveys,
bio-mechanics investigations, driver workplace analysis,
visual display design, access and egress assessments
and human modelling projects.
He eventually became manager of the MIRA Human
Factors and Operations Research department in 1986
and had charge of a multi-disciplinary team engaged
on consultancy and research topics. This included involvement in a number of EEC
related activities and programmes.
This initially concerned the bio-mechanics
group of the European Experimental Vehicle Committee
(EEVC) and then lead on to involvement with EEC Framework
research in Telematics (DRACO, SAMOVAR, CODE, CONVERGE
He has published widely
in conference papers, technical journals and other
publications and represents MIRA and UK Industry on
national and international standards bodies.
In particular he has been the UK representative
on International Standards Organisation committee
ISO TC22 SC13 (Road Vehicle Ergonomics) for some 14
years. He
is an active contributor to the various working groups
(WGs) of SC13 including WG8 responsible for new standards
associated with Traffic Information and Control Systems
(TICS) where he has been an ISO project leader developing
a new standard related to terms and methods to assess
driver visual demand. Currently, he is leading MIRA
activities in a number of new technology and HMI projects
related to Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), Beacon
based communication infrastructures, Speech Recognition
Systems, Integrated Human Factors design tools, Vehicle
Environmental Adaptation and Advanced Route Guidance
System development.
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Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
(VTI), is a national research institute under the
Ministry for Industry, Employment and Communications.
VTI conducts applied research, commissioned by the
transport sector, in the fields of infrastructure,
traffic and transport. The Institute employs 230 researchers
and other experts, of whom 30 hold a doctor’s degree.
Four senior researchers are associate professors at
Swedish universities or institutes of technology.
The skills of the researchers cover the areas of traffic
engineering, transport economics, transport supply
and demand, road safety, environmental aspects, road
user behaviour, collision safety, human factors, vehicle
engineering, railway engineering and the planning,
design, construction, maintenance and operation of
roads and railways. The range of skills indicates
the inter-disciplinary composition of the research
staff. Approximately 125 reports are issued annually
in VTI series and reprints.
The VTI’s resources
include well-equipped laboratories. There are two
driving simulators - one passenger car simulator and
one truck simulator, both with a full motion system
and wide-angle visual system. There are also crash
safety test tracks, tyre test facilities and laboratories
for material testing as well as a heavy vehicle simulator
for mobile testing of road pavements and other advanced
measuring equipment for field tests. The activities
also include development of various analytical and
simulation models for estimating effects of changes
of the transport system.
VTI has participated
in a large number of Human Factors related Transport
Telematics projects like PROMETHEUS (WG4/MMI, WG4/CED5
Task Force on AICC, PRO-GEN), DRIVE I and II (BERTIE,
Swedish programmes (Safe driving within PROMETHEUS
S/IT4, DALTM within Swedish RTI ‘91-’94) and the 4th
IN-ARTE, RESPONSE). VTI holds the Quality System Certificate
ISO 9001.
Lena Nilsson Research leader, and head
of the human factors group at VTI. Master of Science
degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering
and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Her major fields
of research include driver performance, visual demand,
cognitive load and acceptance in relation to driver
support systems, design and evaluation of such systems
in simulated and real environments, human factors
aspects of the working environment of professional
drivers and of the design of roadwork zones. She has
participated in several European (Prometheus and EC)
and national projects concerning human factors since
1987 and has published in numerous Conference Proceedings,
Report Series and International Journals.
Håkan Jansson Senior engineer, responsible for the computer systems
and applied programming in the VTI driving simulator.
Examination from Technical and Navy Telecommunication
Schools. His major fields of research include the
programming of driving simulator applications in HMI
and ITS experiments, scenario creation, and the analysis
of experimental data from driving simulator experiments.
He has participated in the development of some of
the most advanced driving simulators in the world
(both for passenger cars and heavy vehicle combinations),
and in several vehicle dynamic studies in the VTI
driving simulator initiated by automotive industries
from USA, Japan and Europe.
Joakim Östlund Researcher. Master of Science degree in Applied
Physics and Electrical Engineering in 1999. His major
fields of research include physiological measuring,
human factors and car adaptations for drivers with
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Research Institute is a research laboratory that
belongs to one of the largest European research organisations,
the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific
research TNO. TNO employs 4,500 staff, working in
15 institutes in various places throughout The Netherlands.
The expertise of the Institute covers the field of
perception, physiology, human information processing
and ergonomics. Projects are carried out for both
military and civil contractors.
Traffic Behaviour is
one of the research topics of the Institute. The Scientific
staff dealing with this topic consists of both Human
Factors engineers and experimental psychologists.
The research area includes visual perception, cognitive
functioning, vehicle control, decision-making strategies,
attention, driver skills and traffic ergonomics.
The group publishes
regularly in leading international journals and at
relevant symposia. The group is experienced in conducting
experiments in various settings (e.g., laboratory,
simulator, and on-road). The group also provides various
contractors with off-the-shelf advice and consultancy.
The traffic group does contract work for the Dutch
Ministry of Transport, the Traffic Departments at
regional levels, consultancy companies, car companies,
the Dutch railroad and national and regional bus companies.
The group is active in various consortia working for
European Union Research program Drive.
holds the Quality Certificate ISO 9001.
Wiel Janssen (Ph.D., 1976). Head of Traffic Behaviour Research
Group. Experimental psychologist, with particular
interest in human information processing and decision
making under risk, with and without supports. He has
carried out work in many EU-Projects including GIDS
(DRIVE V 1041) and ARIADNE (V 2004).
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TRAIL is the Dutch academic
research institution targeting world-wide developments
in transport, infrastructure and logistics, and combining
top-level education, research and knowledge transfer.
A knowledge institute in which the Delft University
of Technology (DUT), Erasmus University Rotterdam
(EUR) and the University of Groningen (RuG) actively
participate. TRAIL is accredited by the Royal Netherlands
Academy of Arts and Sciences and is a co-operative
venture in which twelve faculties of the three universities
participate and combine strengths to create unprecedented
levels of knowledge synergy. The purpose: using experience
and talents combined with those of clients to offer
solutions to challenges in these fields across the
world. TRAIL Research School is a breeding ground
for innovative solutions. Ratified by the College
Boards of both universities. TRAIL officially started
on 1 January 1994 as the Netherlands Research School
of TRAnsport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL)
offering participation to all specialist faculties.
There are currently 230 researchers active at TRAIL;
of which 120 qualifying to PhD level.
Karel Brookhuis studied experimental
psychology at the University of Groningen, receiving
his degree (Dutch Drs.) in 1980. He was a junior research
associate at the Institute for Experimental Psychology,
until 1983, specializing in psychophysiology. In this
period he set up the Institute's event-related potential
(ERP) laboratory, together with his PhD-promotor Prof.Dr.
G.Mulder. He completed a thesis on this subject “ERPs
and information processing”. From 1983 he was a senior
research associate at the Traffic Research Centre,
University of Groningen, doing research on Drugs &
Driving with Prof.Dr. J.F.O'Hanlon. In 1986 he succeeded
O'Hanlon as head of the section "Biopsychological
aspects of driving behaviour" at the Traffic
Research Centre. From 1994 on he was also Research
Manager of the Institute. Recently the Traffic Research
Centre has changed affiliation and address, merging
into the Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology.His
current research interests are with human performance
in working conditions, including human factors in
traffic (specifically the influence of external factors
on driving performance in the European Union research
programs DRIVE, ATT and TAP).
He was Coordinator of one of the international
research consortia in the ATT program (DETER project,
V2009). He was Technical Manager in the SAVE (TAP TR 1047) project. In the
present DG VII Program he is involved in 3 projects,
Dick de Waard graduated in 1989 in experimental psychology at
the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. From
1989 onwards he has worked at the Traffic Research
Centre of the same university, which was recently
expanded with a group of environmental psychologists
into the Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology.
One of his main research interests is the measurement
of driver mental workload, on which subject he completed
a PhD thesis in 1996. In relation to this, the measurement
of drivers’ psychophysiology in a moving vehicle is
also a subject that receives his interest. In the
past ten years he has worked on effects of traffic
environment (such as road delineation and layout)
on driver behaviour, effects of police enforcement
on speeding, effects and acceptance of new transport
telematics, such as car phones, in-car tutoring and
feedback systems (EU sponsored DETER project), on
the detection of impaired driver behaviour (EU sponsored
DREAM and SAVE projects). More recently he has completed
work on driver behaviour in emergency situations in
the Automated Highway System. In the present DG VII Program he is involved
Vincent Marchau obtained
his Master's degree in Applied Mathematics at the
Delft University of Technology in 1992. In 1994 he
started to work within the Delft University of Technology
and the TRAIL Research School as a PhD researcher/assistant
professor in Transport Policy and Logistical Organisation.
His work focuses on research, lecturing and consulting
activities in the field of Technology Assessment regarding
electronic driver support systems.Currently, his main
interest involves the further development and application
of appropriate methodologies regarding the evaluation
of ITS implementation within the context of public
policy making. This should provide knowledge on the
societal consequences of the implementation of ITS
to the public authorities involved, in order to support
the development of their policy strategy and to identify
important issues for follow-up, in-depth research.
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Transport Canada is
the federal department responsible for the transportation
policies, programs and goals set by the government
to make sure the national transportation system is
safe, efficient and accessible to all its users. Moreover,
the jurisdictional framework in Canada is such that
all levels of government have some responsibility
in the country’s transportation system. Transport
Canada delivers its programs and services under numerous
legislative and constitutional authorities.
The Ergonomics Division
is part of the Motor Vehicle Standards and Research
Branch which, in turn, is part of Transport Canada's
Road Safety Directorate.
The mission of the Division to advance and
apply knowledge about interactions between human users
and other elements of the road transport system to
support the development of motor vehicle safety standards
and other collision countermeasures.
Division activities
relate to the generation and application of knowledge
relevant to driver-vehicle-road interactions and the
conduct of ad-hoc studies, demonstrations and consultations
to support the Directorate’s regulatory development
and other program objectives as well as provide a
leadership role both nationally and internationally.
The Division accomplishes its research objectives through a mix of
in-house investigations, collaborative and contracted-out
Ian Noy is Chief of the Ergonomics Division. He holds a doctorate
degree in Industrial Engineering from the University
of Toronto, specialising in human factors.
He is a Board certified professional ergonomist
(CPE). Dr. Noy’s R&D experience covers a broad
range of areas, including human-machine interface
design and evaluation, human performance and training,
and behavioural research. He has published over ninety scientific and
technical reports, conference and journal articles. He has prepared and presented lectures in human factors on a variety
of topics, including traffic safety, human operator
capabilities and limitations, human information processing,
design of controls and displays, and human factors
in intelligent transport systems.
His applied research experience spans applications
in the air, on the ground, and underwater, including
military R&D. He serves on the Editorial Board of Transportation Human Factors, and is Associate Editor of the International
Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors (in press). In addition, he edited the book, The Ergonomics and Safety of Intelligent Driver
Interfaces (Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates,
Dr. Noy currently holds
the office of President of the International Ergonomics
Association (IEA).
He is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society (HFES), a past president and Fellow of the
Association of Canadian Ergonomists/Association canadienne
d'ergonomie (ACE), and a member of the Association
of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario
(PEO). He
is also a member of the Transportation Research Board
Committee on Simulation and the Measurement of Driving.
Dr. Noy was the chairman of the 12th Congress
of the IEA held in Toronto in 1994.
In 1998, he was leader of the People to People
Ambassador Programs’ Ergonomics Delegation to the
People’s Republic of China.
Joanne Harbluk’s general area of interest is human cognition and
performance, with a particular focus on human error
and decision making, and the monitoring, inhibition,
and control of behaviour. Current research interests focus on Intelligent
Transport Systems, and the safety of human interaction
with them. Specific areas of interest include Situation
Awareness, Workload assessment and Comparisons of
interface formats for ITS systems. Prior to joining
the Ergonomics Division at Transport Canada, Dr. Harbluk
was a Fogarty International Research Fellow at the
National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Her
research in the Cognitive Neurosciences Section of
the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
investigated the cognitive correlates of alcohol abuse
specifically examining the regulation of cognition
and behaviour. Dr. Harbluk received her doctoral
and master’s degrees in Cognitive Psychology from
the University of Western Ontario and her Bachelor
of Science degree (Hons) from the University of Toronto.
The Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) is the focus of transport
research interests for all departments of the University
of Leeds. The Institute's aim is to advance the understanding
of transport systems throughout the world, by teaching
and research activities which develop the necessary
skills and best practice in the planning, design,
operation, and use of transport systems.
ITS secured a 5* rating, the highest rank,
in the most recent UK Research Assessment Exercise.
Research at the Institute
is carried out in collaboration with industry and
local authorities, as well as other departments in
the University, including the Leeds University Business
School, School of Civil Engineering, School of Computer
Studies, School of Psychology, Department of Statistics,
School of Geography and the Department of Electronic
and Electrical Engineering.
In addition to research, ITS offers a variety
of postgraduate teaching programmes at Masters level
and has an extensive doctoral research programme.
Continuing professional education is provided through
a wide range of short courses; advisory and consultancy
commissions are undertaken for a variety of clients;
and software (such as SATURN; for data-capture devices;
and for training) is developed and marketed
External sponsorship
accounts for over three-quarters of the Institute's
income. A
significant component of this is research funded by
the European Commission, both in Transport and in
Telematics. The
Institute also supports two large research facilities,
the Leeds Advanced Driving Simulator
and the Instrumented City.
Critical Computing Group (SCCG) was formed
in 1988 and has the following mission statement “To
undertake research in the field of safety-critical
computing, identify ‘best practice’ for industrial
applications, and transfer this knowledge to industry;
to contribute to the development, and the use, of
standards and assessment criteria”.
The SCCG was a partner in the EU DRIVE I project
DRIVE Safely (V1051, 1989-91) which formulated a proposal
for a standard and for certification criteria for
the development of safe Intelligent Transport Systems
(ITS). It was the Prime-Contractor of the EU DRIVE
II project PASSPORT (V2057/8, 1992-95), which developed
methodologies for safety assessment and evaluation,
and a partner in the EU DRIVE II project EMCATT (V2064,
1994-95) which made proposals for the electromagnetic
compatibility of ITS.
During 1993-94 the SCCG was a consultant on
Safety Integrity, and the Verification and Validation
of safety-critical software to the UK SafeIT project
MISRA (a consortium of UK motor manufacturers and
component suppliers). The SCCG participated in the SATIN Task Force
(1994) on the system architecture of ITS and was a
member of the EU Transport Telematics projects on
system architecture CONVERGE (TR1101, 1996-98), and
system safety CODE (TR1103, 1996-97). The SCCG is currently a member of the EU project KAREN (TR4108 1998-00)
which is creating a framework architecture for ITS
for Europe.
Oliver Carsten (Coordinator): Director of
Research, Institute for Transport Studies, University
of Leeds. Dr Carsten has been project coordinator
of four EC research projects, (VRU and VRU-TOO, HOPES
and HINT. He has been chair of the DRIVE I safety
and behavioural group, was a member of the DRIVE Safety
Task Force, is chair of the Road User Behaviour Working
Party of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport
Safety (PACTS), and is a member of the Road User Behaviour
Working Party and of the Telematics Working Party
of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC).
Samantha Jamson has a joint appointment at the
Institute for Transport Studies
(ITS) and the School of Psychology, University of Leeds and is a member
of the British Psychological Society. She has worked
on a variety of research projects using the driving
simulator and instrumented cars as evaluation tools,
in particular focusing on issues such as behavioural
adaptation. Such projects include evaluations of Transport
Telematics applications (Variable Message Signs, in-car
feedback displays, automatic speed control) as well
as more traditional implementations such as novel
road markings and alignment. Other areas of interest
include the training of complex skills in applied
settings and mental workload measurement techniques.
H. Jesty is a
Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds.
He has been researching in the area of the
functional system safety of transport telematic systems
since 1989, and through his participation in four
EC projects in Frameworks II (DRIVE Safely), III (PASSPORT
(Co-ordinator) and EMCATT) and IV (CODE), as well
as in two national projects (MISRA and UTMC22), he
has contributed to all the current major European
Frameworks and Guidelines on this subject.
His contribution to the System Architecture
activities of DRIVE II (SATIN) led to his participation
in the two system architecture activities for Transport
Telematics in Framework IV (CONVERGE (Technical Co-ordinator)
and KAREN). He
is a member of the current UK national project on
speed control (EVSC), and of the Steering Group of
the UK Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
Natasha Merat obtained
her PhD from the School of Psychology,
University of Leeds, in 1999.
Following appointments at Unilever Research
and the University of Surrey, Natasha has recently
joined the Institute
for Transport Studies (ITS), as a Research Fellow.
Her interests include many aspects of human performance
and information processing, particularly memory and
Whilst at the University of Surrey, Natasha
was involved in a pilot study sponsored by Railway
Safety, assessing train drivers’ eye-movement.
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The Universidade do
Minho is a public Portuguese university, with administrative
and financial autonomy, which has been created in
1973 and started its academic activity in the academic
year of 1975/1976. The University central offices
are located in Braga, at the Largo do Paço. Most teaching
and research takes place at either Gualtar Campus,
in Braga or Azurém Campus, in Guimarães. In the academic
year of 1998/1999, there were over 15 300 students
and 1103 academic staff, including 356 with a PhD.
The number of employees is presently 574. The University
is organized in 8 schools, the School of Sciences,
the School of Economics and Management, the School
of Engineering, the Institute of Social Sciences,
the Institute of Education and Psychology, the Institute
of Arts and Human Sciences, the Institute of Child
Studies and the Autonomous Department of Law.
Within the field of
the Research and Development, in 1998, the University
has been able to assure the execution of 25 projects
under the IV Framework Program of R&DT from the
European Commission, namely under the TMR, Brite-Euram,
Telematique, Biotechnology, Mast, TSER and INCO. The
University is also involved in projects under the
support from Interreg and Eureka Programs and several
international cooperation agreements, representing
a relevant contribution to the internationalization
of the University activities.
Jorge Manuel Ferreira de Almeida Santos, Ph.D, is an Associate
Professor at the Department of Psychology, I.E.P.,
University of Minho and Director of the Laboratory
of Psychology at the University of Minho. He studied
at the University of Coimbra and joined the University
of Minho in 1990. He has been project coordinator
of several projects on human perception and on road
users perceptual skills, examining the impairment
of driver performance and the safety impacts of the
road environment. He is the author of numerous reports
and articles on traffic research. Main areas of interest:
cognitive psychology, motion perception, drivers performance
and impairment, driving simulator interfaces, techniques
of traffic conflicts.
Emanuel Pedro Viana Barbas de Albuquerque, Ph.D is an Auxiliary
Professor at the Department of Psychology, I.E.P.,
University of Minho and Director of the Research Unit
in Cognitive Sciences of the Laboratory of Psychology
at the University of Minho. In the last years it has
been accomplishing investigation in two major domains:
information processing capacity; and traffic psychology.
In the first domain of research the aim of the studies
is the understanding of the processing limits and
the interference between automatic and controlled
tasks. In the second domain we intend to deepen the
analysis of the perceptual factors and road environment
cues associated with frontal collision of vehicles.
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Technology Corporation (VTEC) is a corporate,
task driven, research and development unit operationally
integrated in Volvo's different business areas. VTEC
works in a number of strategic competence areas that
are crucial to Volvo's core values and prioritised
product characteristics (including safety, environment
and quality, as well as good transport efficiency).
By keeping this work together in a single unit with
an extensive network, "critical mass" is
reached and an internationally competitive resource
is established. The number of employees at Volvo Technological
Development Corporation amounts to approximately 400.
The Human Systems Integration Department in
VTEC work to optimise the interaction between people
and their vehicles. The principle goal is ensure a
safe and efficient relationship between the user and
the technical system. Our integrated, multidisciplinary
group has members with competence in a number of disciplines
including human factors, behavioural science, computer
science and engineering. Our research facilities include
a driving simulator, instrumented vehicle, remote
eye tracker, bio-sensors and virtual reality systems.
Tevell has a background in Ergonomics and
Cognitive Science. She has considerable experience on the development of information
systems and in the evaluation of mental workload and
forward collision warning systems.
She has worked in the INARTE project.
Johansson has studied Cognitive Science at
Linkoping University, Sweden. She now works with the
Driver Awareness group at the department of Human
System Integration. Projects include; evaluation of
in-vehicle information and assistance functions, with
respect to workload, visual demand, distraction and
driving performance.
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VTT is an impartial
R & D expert organisation with over 2800 employees.
VTT develops technology and policy to improve both
the competitiveness of industry and the basic infrastructure
of the society.
The objective of VTT
Communities and Infrastructure, one of the nine research
institutes of VTT, is to provide information on communities
and physical infrastructures for the needs of industry
and commerce as well as public authorities. We have
extensive experience and profound knowledge in the
fields of transport telematics, traffic safety, driver
behaviour, strategic development planning, system
architecture and ITS assessment. Within the 4th Framework
Programme VTT Communities and Infrastructure has taken
part in the following related projects: FORCE, HINT,
Professor Risto Kulmala has a background of 23 years in transport
research with expertise in road safety studies, simulation,
modelling, traffic behaviour, policy and strategic
research, telematics and rural ITS, with over 100
publications. He was a participant in the HOPES project
and the Evaluation Task Force of the ATT Programme
in 3FP, and involved in the CODE, FORCE, PROMISE and
TROPIC projects in the 4th Framework Programme Programme.
From 1996 to 1997 he was the manager of the Finnish
National Road Administration's R&D programme on
ITS. He is currently a project area leader in the
DGVII's Euroregional VIKING project and the coordinator
of the Finnish National R&D Programme on Transport
Telematics Infrastructures.
Juha Luoma received his M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering from
Helsinki University of Technology in 1980 and Ph.D.
in industrial psychology from the same university
in 1984. Before
joining VTT in 1995, he worked at the Helsinki University
of Technology (Laboratory of Industrial Psychology,
the University of Michigan Transportation Research
Institute (UMTRI) and the University of Helsinki (Department
of Psychology). Examples of his research topics include
human factors aspects of applications in transport
telematics, road signing, VMS, vehicle headlighting
and signalling, rearview mirrors, pedestrian visibility,
cross-cultural differences in driver behaviour and
methodological issues of driver visual information
Anttila (MSc) has a background of 5 years in transport
research with expertise in experimental research of
driver behaviour, road user surveys, development and
assessment of traffic information services, with over
20 publications. She was involved in TROPIC, FORCE
and SARTRE 2 projects in
the 4th Framework Programme and is currently
involved in TRAVELGUIDE and ADVISORS in the 5th Framework