The TRANSLINK Project:
UPDATE: Translink conference to be held at Shah Alam Malaysia on 1st July 2008. Click here for more details.
TRANSLINK stands for “Transportation Research Links between the EU and Asia for Sustainable Development” and is funded by the European Community under the Asia Link Programme.
The quality of the transport system is a main factor in economic development. Transport research provides the knowledge to develop and implement efficient transport policies, systems and services. The TRANSLINK project is a partnership between two European and two South-East Asian universities with the overall aim of promoting sustainable urban transport development in this region through development of their human resources.
The partners are (see ‘partners’ above for more detail):
- The Department of Infrastructure, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (KTH)
- The Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds (ITS)
- The Malaysia Institute of Transport, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam (UiTM)
- The Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (UI)
The main target groups are the transport research staff at the Indonesian and Malaysian universities who will be trained in research methodology and supervision. Institutional assistance will also be provided aiming at creation of full PhD programme in their own departments. The expected outcome is that the Asian universities will have staff with the skills and experience to develop their research programmes further, to the future benefit of their students, the transport planning profession and sustainable development in their countries.
The main activities include training in transportation research methodology, research supervision and institutional development aimed at creating qualified research schools and transportation research capability in Indonesia and Malaysia.