Translink conference at Shah Alam, Malaysia on 1st July 2008
The general objective of the conference is to disseminate and discuss the main findings of the Translink project. In particular, the conference will present and discuss the Translink findings on:
- The identification of critical transport issues for research in SE Asia
- The development of guidelines and an institutional framework for postgraduate research programmes in transport in SE Asia
and will help promote networking among transport research institutions in Europe and SE Asia.
The format is a combination of short presentations followed by discussions guided by members of a panel, including evaluation of future transport research needs for SE Asia. The speakers are from Malaysia, Sweden and the UK and the discussion moderators are from Malaysia and other SE Asian countries.
The conference is organised for Translink by the Malaysian Institute of Transport (MITRANS) of the University of Technolgy MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
The programme for the conference can be found here.
Those interested in attending should contact the MITRANS Director, Associate Professor Sabariah Mohamad, on The conference is free of charge (but note that Translink is unable to provide travel or accommodation).