

Policy Instruments

Urban traffic control systems
SummaryFirst principles assesmentEvidence on performancePolicy contributionComplementary instrumentsReferences


Abbott, P.G., Hartley, S., Hickman, A.J., Layfield, R.E., Mccrae, I.S., Nelson, P.M., Phillips, S.M. and Wilson, J.L (1995) The environmental assessment of traffic management schemes: A literature review. TRL Report 174. Crowthorne. TRL.

Bell, M. C. and Bretherton, R. D. (1986) Ageing of fixed time traffic signal plans. Proceedings of IEE 2nd International Conference of Road Traffic Control.

Bretherton, R. D., Hounsell, N. B. and Radia, B. (1996) Public transport priority in SCOOT. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport systems.

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Kronborg, P. and Davidsson, F. (2000) Improvements for s Scandinavian SPOT urban traffic signal control system. TFK - Transport research institute. Stockholm.

Mazzamatti, M.V., Netto, D.V.V.F., Vilanova, L.M. and Ming, S.H. (1998) Benefits gained by responsive and adaptive systems in São Paulo. IEE Road Transport Information and Control. Conference Publication No 454.

Routledge, I., Kemp, S. and Radia, B. (1996) UTMC: The way forward for urban traffic control. Traffic Engineering and Control 37(11) 618-623.

Siemens Automotive (1995) SCOOT in Toronto. Traffic technology international, Spring'95, 8-30.

Venglar, S. and Urbanik II, T. (1995) Evolving to real-time adaptive traffic signal control. Proceedings of the Second World Congress Intelligent Transport Systems, Yokohama.

Wood, K. (1993) Urban traffic control, systems review. PR41. Crowthorne. TRL.






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Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT