First principles assessment
Why introduce HOV lanes?
In theory, HOV priority lanes can be an efficient way of using road capacity
as they discourage inefficient use of the road space by single occupant
cars by giving priority to public transport, two-wheel vehicles and car
sharing. If every single occupancy driver can be persuaded to car-share,
then the people-moving capacity of a given road will be doubled, and additional
benefits will accrue from any that switch to van-pools or existing public
transport services.
This is illustrated in the figure below
Number of vehicles needed to carry 45 people

Courtesy of Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (http://www.rtc.wa.gov/hov/)
They can also represent a more-equitable use of road space, since they
allocate more of the available roadspace to HOVs and buses which impose
less congestion per-person-trip on other road users than Single Occupancy
Vehicles (SOVs). (VTPI, 2004).
However some argue that they can be less efficient than additional road
capacity for all users (Orski, 2001; Dahlgren, 1998; Johnston, 1996).
Wellander and Leotta (2001) report that effectiveness and benefits of
HOV lanes depend on the criteria and assumptions used to evaluate them.
This would also change according to type of HOV facility (e.g. additional
or converted lanes). Some oppose additional lanes on the basis that they
increase total road capacity and encourage longer-distance commuting and
in some cases people believe that HOV lanes can have negative impacts
(Leman et al 1994; Dalhgren, 1998). Moreover, HOV lanes can often take
years to reach their full potential, since they affect long-term decisions
such as where consumers live or choose to work.
There are various studies related to the evaluation of HOV lanes which
are mainly based on US experience of existing HOV lanes, and on modeling
studies. Status of HOV lane developments in Europe is discussed in ICARO
Conclusions and results vary from one study to other. There are numerous
reports and papers available at the TRB HOV committee website at http://www.hovworld.com.
Arguments on HOV lanes can be divided into three groups. However it should
be noted that the arguments also vary whether the HOV lanes are “converted”
or “added” lanes.
Those that find that HOV lanes are effective
Level of reduction in vehicle trips on HOV corridors is reported to vary
between 4 to 30% (e.g. Comsis, 1993; Pratt, 2000; Ewing, 1993). Apogee
(1994) estimated that HOV lanes can reduce up to 1.4% of vehicle miles
travelled (VMT) and up to 0.6% of vehicle trips in a region. For example,
in Texas, HOV lanes carry as much as 40 percent of the people moved on
the freeway. Surveys have shown that willingness to car share and bus
use increases after the opening of an HOV lane (Stockton et al, 1999).
Similar results are also found in the UK first HOV lane in Leeds (LCC,
2002) (see Evidence on Performance section).
While some theoretical research has suggested that maximum delays of
30 minutes are necessary to justify an HOV lane over a general purpose
lane (Dalgren, 2002) other monitoring results show that as little at 10
minutes delay can result in very successful HOV lane operation (Stockton,
1999). For example, currently the Shirley Highway (Virginia)’s 28-mile
reversible HOV lanes carry an average of 10,400 person trips and 2,800
vehicles in the morning peak hour. These lanes provide an average travel
time savings of 31 and 36 minutes for the morning and evening peak travel
Those that find HOV lanes to be less effective than general purpose lanes
Orski (2001) argued that HOV lanes are less effective than additional
general purpose lanes. By using a simulation model based on the Sacramento
Area Transportation Study, Johnston et al (1996) also argue that benefits
of HOV are generally temporary and that the higher speeds soon induce
longer non-work trips, time shifting to peak periods, mode shifts from
bus to HOV and abstraction of non-car-available travellers from PT to
join SOV drivers. The study results also show higher VMT with the new
HOV lanes.
Similarly, based on the model results for an hypothetical corridor study,
McDonald et al (2000) concluded that “construction of new mixed
flow lanes or conversion of existing HOV lanes can lead to increases in
VMT that are likely to have negative environmental impacts. This occurs
due to modal shifts and rescheduling effects without consideration of
possible inducement of new trips”. This study also argues that “HOT
lanes offer the possibility of larger reductions in vehicle and person
hours of travel time, because they preserve incentives for higher vehicle
occupancy and allow more efficient use of lane capacity”.
Dahlgren (1998) argues that reduced delays for both HOV and LOV can induce
additional traffic growth, shifts from other routes and times. He summarises
the possible effects of constructing a HOV lane as illustrated in the
figure below
Possible effects of constructing an HOV lane (Dahlgren, 1998)

HOV lanes and HOT lanes.
There are those who suggest that benefits of HOV lanes can be increased
by turning them into HOT (High Occupancy Toll) lanes. The argument is
summarised in the following paragraph.
Despite the widespread implementation of HOV lanes in other major US cities
and inter-urban corridors, ridesharing amongst commuters has been declining
– from 20% in the 1970s to 13% in the 90s – and under-utilisation
has led to criticism of HOV lanes. This has led to increasing interest
in High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes and studies studies have increasingly
demonstrated that HOT lanes with toll differentiation provide a cost-effective
way to reduce traffic congestion (e.g. Turnbull et al., 1991; O'Sullivan,
1993; Yang et al, 1999). The HOT lanes scheme in San Diego in the USA
costs sole drivers up to $4, depending on distance, and HOVs with 2+ occupants
can travel free. In Houston, Texas, the HOT scheme allows HOVs with 2+
occupants to use the HOV 3+ lane for a fixed fee.
Demand impacts
The table below illustrates ways providing an extra HOV lane might be
expected to affect the number of car kilometres travelled.
Likely Impact of an Extra HOV Lane on Car Km
Response |
in road traffic |
Expected in situations |


Because of reduced delays in peak hours,
some trips might be shifted to those hours

The extra lane for HOVs
may allow these vehicles to switch to a more-direct HOV route
from a more- indirect route chosen previously to avoid the congestion
Conversely, the extra capacity may encourage HOV drivers to choose
a longer (but faster) HOV-lane route in preference to a more-direct
but more-congested alternative |

Increased accessibility of locations
(e.g. work, education) might be positive or negative effects in
relation to planning policies.


The impact of an HOV on accessibility
is unlikely to be large enough to significantly change overall
trip frequency |


The bus-lane component of the HOV will
help encourage mode-shift from single occupant cars to buses. |

Reduced car ownership through car sharing
Induced car ownership due to reduction in delays from the extra
road capacity |

/ |
HOV lane corridors can become attractive
to commuters due to time savings. This is likely to increase
car kilometres due to the impact of the additional road space.
Weakest possible response, |
strongest possible positive response |
= Weakest
possible negative response, |
= strongest
possible negative response |
= No response
The table below illustrates ways in which excluding Single Occupancy
Vehicles (SOVs) from a lane on a moderately-congested link might be expected
to affect the number of car kilometres>travelled.
Likely Impact of Excluding SOVs to create an HOV Laneon Car Km
Response |
in road traffic |
Expected in situations |


Reduction in capacity for SOVs
might encourage some of these trips to avoid the congested peak
periods |

Reduction in capacity for SOVs
will encourage them to divert to longer alternative routes but this
will partially compensated by the improved priority for HOVs
- the net effect will depend on the SOV/HOV mix on the current link |

Decreased accessibility of locations (e.g.
work, education) for SOVs might cause
them to switch to more-distant locations but this will be compensated
for by the improved priority for HOVs- the net effect will depend on the SOV/HOV mix on the current
link |


The impact of removing highway capacity
from SOVs might cause some trip suppression |


The bus-lane component of the HOV and
the loss of capacity for SOVs will help
encourage mode-shift from single occupant cars to buses. |


Reduced car ownership through car sharing


Reduction in attractiveness of SOV-commuting
may encourage some to move to reduce the duration of their commuting
journey |
Weakest possible response, |
strongest possible positive response |
= Weakest
possible negative response, |
= strongest
possible negative response |
= No response
Short and long run demand responses
For the average individual, the general impact of providing an extra
HOV lane might be as the following:
Response |
- |
1st year |
2-4 years |
5 years |
10+ years |









Change job or house location |






Ride share |




- |
Public transport |




- |
Walk/cycle |





- |


- |


= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
Supply impacts depend on the way in which HOV lanes are constructed. If
they are ‘converted’ lanes, then the supply for general purpose
traffic decreases. If they are ‘added’ lanes then the supply
for both HOV and LOV increases. If they are ‘reversible’ lanes
then the supply for the contra-flow traffic decreases.
Financing requirements
Costs of HOV lanes include project construction, management and enforcement.
These costs depending on the type of HOV lanes, e.g. converted or added.
While converting an existing general purpose lane into a HOV lane is relatively
cheap, constructing a new lane can be expensive, especially if physical
barriers are included in the HOV lane scheme.
Accompanying measures, such as marketing, consultation etc. can also be
costly. Enforcing the measure can also involve substantial costs. Usually,
there are no sources of income associated with the HOV lanes. A possible
source of income could be the introduction of a combined HOV lane / pay
lane (HOT lane), where solo drivers are also accepted upon payment of
a toll, which can be varied according to the time of day and the level
of congestion.
HOV can be a relatively low-cost measure; the Trondheim scheme, for example,
cost 750,000NOK (£60,000) for signing, markings, information and
marketing. In comparison, many of the American states have spent close
to $1m (£550,000) in information campaigns alone.
Expected impact on key policy objectives
Expected benefits of HOV lanes include increased travel speeds and reliability
for HOV passengers (including those using public transport), increases
in car occupancy and person throughput. It makes the alternatives to driving
alone more attractive. They are also perceived to provide significant
benefits to local authorities including road and parking facility cost
savings, public transport operating cost savings, congestion and pollution
reductions, and consumer benefits. (VTPI, 2004.)
However some argue that HOV lanes (as extra road capacity) encourage
urban sprawl and contribute to poor air quality (Leman, Schiller and Pauly,
1994) and they are an inefficient use of road capacity (Orski, 2001; Johnston,
The impact of HOV lanes tends to be measured in terms of improvements
in car occupancy and person throughput, and there are few direct measurements
of congestion. In many cases, quoted journey times and hence delays to
carsharers have improved, but in some case this is at the expense of the
mixed use lane.
The attractiveness of the lanes largely depends on journey time differentials,
but this is constrained in an urban setting by buses stopping in the HOV
lane, junctions and access by frontagers, etc. Another key variable is
people’s propensity to rideshare. Research in the US has shown that
this is not linked to socio-economic characteristics, but that trip lengths
and the ease of finding a partner are important. The latter is likely
to become more difficult as more employees work flexibly.
The contribution of the provision of an extra HOV lane to policy objectives
are summarised below.
Contribution of an Extra HOV Lane to Policy objectives
Objective |
Scale of contribution
Comment |


By benefits exceeding the costs by far
when all impacts included e.g. time savings for both HOV and LOV


Wider streets, faster traffic, more capacity
for cars |

Reduction in congestion & encouragement
to car-share, so potentially reducing total vehicle kms, offset
by impacts of the extra road capacity on inducing additional car
trips |


Greater time savings for those who have
to use public transport or car share |


Depending on the design features but there
can be conflicts between vehicles in higher-speed HOV lanes and
vehicles in lower speed general use lanes. Pedestrians may also
find it more difficult to cross the wider streets with its faster
traffic |
? |
Difficult to evaluate, unlikely to be
significant |


Requires public funding for construction
and ongoing enforcement unless it is converted into HOT lane facility.
= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
The policy contribution of excluding SOVs from an existing moderately-congested
link are summarised below.
Policy Contribution of Creating an HOV by Excluding SOVs
Objective |
Scale of contribution |
Comment |


Restricting existing road capacity is
likely to create more journey-time losers than winners (unless the
benefits of the extra bus priority are significant enough to create
significant mode-shift) |


More congestion, combination of fast (HOV)
and slow (SOV), unless the resulting switch to PT and/or car sharing
is significant

Increase in congestion offset by the encouragement
to car-share or use the bus |


Greater time savings for those who have
to use public transport or car share |


Depending on the design features but there
can be conflicts between vehicles in higher-speed HOV lanes and
vehicles in lower speed general use lanes. Pedestrians may also
find it more difficult to cross the road because of the mix of fast
and slow traffic |
? |
Difficult to evaluate, unlikely to be
significant |


Requires public funding for implementing
and enforcing the exclusion of SOVs (unless it is converted into
HOT lane facility). |
= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
Expected Impact on Problems
The impacts of HOV lanes will be largely determined by the relative proportion
of SOVs to HOVs in the traffic, the speed-differential between general
and HOV lanes, the nature of the traffic using the route (in particular
whether origins and destinations are sufficiently limited to make car-sharing
a realistic alternative for a significant proportion of the SOV drivers).
As usual, the pattern differs between providing an extra HOV lane and
restricting the use of existing lanes. The table below relates to the
provision of an extra HOV lane.
Contribution to alleviation of key problems |
Problem |
Scale of contribution |
Comment |
Congestion-related delay |

Time saving for those who able to use
the HOV lanes. |
Congestion-related unreliability |

Big benefits for buses, plus benefits
to HOV motorists |
Community severance |

Wider roads, faster traffic |
Visual intrusion |
- |
Extra lane and increased signage |
Lack of amenity |

Global warming |
Reduction in congestion & encouragement
to car-share, so potentially reducing total CO2, offset
by impacts of the extra road capacity on inducing additional car
trips |
Local air pollution |

Due to reduction in delays and car-sharing |
Noise |

Due to increase in speeds |
Reduction of green space |

Construction of the extra lane |
Damage to environmentally sensitive sites

Construction of the extra lane |
Poor accessibility for those without a
car and those with mobility impairments |

By reducing public transport journey times
and increasing its reliability and favouring low-car-ownership households |
Disproportionate disadvantaging of particular
social or geographic groups |

By improving access |
Number, severity and risk of accidents

Increased speeds and conflicts between
HOV and LOV may cause accident risk, pedestrians may also have more
difficulties crossings |
Suppression of the potential for economic
activity in the area |

By improving access |
= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
The table below relates to the restriction of SOVs from an existing lane:
Contribution to alleviation of key problems |
Problem |
Scale of contribution |
Comment |
Congestion-related delay |

Time saving for those who able to use
the HOV lanes not likely to offset disbenefits to SOVs |
Congestion-related unreliability |

Big benefits for buses, some benefits
to HOV motorists but disbenefits to SOV |
Community severance |

Faster traffic |
Visual intrusion |

Signage |
Lack of amenity |

Global warming |
Encouragement to shift to PT or car-share,
so potentially reducing total CO2, offset by impacts
of increased congestion |
Local air pollution |
As above |
Noise |

Due to increase in speeds |
Reduction of green space |

Damage to environmentally sensitive sites

Poor accessibility for those without a
car and those with mobility impairments |

By reducing public transport journey times
and increasing its reliability and favouring low-car-ownership households |
Disproportionate disadvantaging of particular
social or geographic groups |

By improving access |
Number, severity and risk of accidents

Increased speeds and conflicts between
HOV and LOV may cause accident risk, pedestrians may also have more
difficulties crossings |
Suppression of the potential for economic
activity in the area |

By improving access |
= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
Expected winners and losers
Some argue that HOV priority is unfair as it favours one group (HOV users)
over other road users (Orski, 2001). Others consider HOV priority a fairer
allocation of road space by giving travellers who use less space, and
therefore contribute less to traffic congestion, priority over those who
use more space. Some critics argue that HOV lanes do not meet the needs
of people who cannot use public transport (VTPI, 2004).
HOV lanes will benefit car sharers and public transport users, which includes
a high proportion of low income and disadvantaged people (Pratt, 2000).
Group |
Winners / losers |
Comment |
Large scale freight and commercial traffic
When delays are reduced in general purpose
When delays are increased in general purpose lanes |
Small businesses |

When applied with no stopping or parking
restrictions |
High income car-users |

When they use the scheme |
People with a low income |

Lower-income people tend to rely on public
transport and HOVs |
People with poor access to public transport
All existing public transport users |

Due to shorter journey times |
People living adjacent to the area targeted

Increased accessibility |
People making high value, important journeys
Winners if car share or take PT.
Losers if general purpose lanes are congested |
The average car user |
Winners if car share
Losers if general purpose lanes are congested
Barriers to implementation
HOV lanes can be controversial and provoke substantial resistance, so
not all politicians will be keen on this instrument especially in the
case of a ‘converted’ lanes (ICARO, 1999). HOV facilities
in the US have closed after few months of operation because of public
opposition (Fuhs and Obenberger , 2001). An example of this phenomenon
recently occurred in New Jersey where the State removed HOV lanes on I-287
and I-80. (McDonald, 2000). Arguments include that “they are unfair
and ineffective, in preference to general-purpose lanes” or that
“they increase total road capacity, leading to increased total vehicle
traffic and urban sprawl” (VTPI, 2004).
Therefore public and political support is an essential factor for successful
application of HOV facilities. Marketing is essential to create awareness
and acceptance in reducing traffic congestion and pollution and to promote
car sharing (ICORO,1999).
Barrier |
Scale |
Comment |
Legal |

No legal barriers, they can be applied
through TROs. |
Finance |

Public funding necessary, but for society
benefits exceed costs. |
Political |

Efficiency gains and social benefits are
not always the base of decisions. |
Feasibility |
When under utilized- empty lane syndrome.
High utilisation of road space per passenger/km. |
minimal barrier, |
most significant barrier |
Appropriate contexts
It was suggested that HOV lanes are most effective at reducing car use
in major urban areas with large employment centres, heavy congestion and
complementary policies where public transport provides time savings of
at least 5 to 10 minutes per trip (Turnbull, 2001; Pratt,1999). Similar
conclusions were also supported in ICARO (2000).
Appropriate area-types |
Area type |
Suitability |
City centre |

On radial arterial to city centres |
Dense inner suburb |

From these suburbs to employment centres |
Medium density outer suburb |

Less dense outer suburb |
District centre |

Corridor |

Small town |
Tourist town |
= Least suitable
area type |
= Most suitable
area type |
Enforcement is crucial for gaining public support for HOV, but providing
manual enforcement is expensive and takes the police away from their core
work, while automated systems are still unproven. In Leeds, the cost of
continuous police enforcement was a factor in the decision to restrict
the lane to peak period operation.

Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT