WP 3.1 Organisation of research schools
- to explore the problems and challenges in Indonesia and Malaysia in delivering Ph.D. programmes in transportation;
- to identify needs and requirements for establishment of qualified transportation research schools;
- to develop guidelines for organisation. and operation of research schools at UI and UiTM.
The work will start by making an inventory of the requirements and curriculum for PhD education in the different partner universities, as well as procedures adopted for scientific evaluation, quality control and examination. All partners will participate in this action as well as in the discussion of needs, requirements and obstacles for the establishment of transportation research schools at UI and UiTM.
Activity 3.1 will result in a set of recommendations of actions to be taken to promote the aim.
WP 3.2 Management and administration of research training
- Development of policies, academic procedures and business concepts;
- Resource requirements;
- Measures for implementation.
This activity will carried out in a series of workshops to be organised at Ui and UiTM in conjunction with the annual joint work sessions at those universities. The end product will be a report with a set of recommendations regarding procedures for management and transportation research training and supervision at UI and UiTM.
The ultimate goal of management should be to enhance the institutional mission by ensuring high quality teaching, training and research, and services to the community. This objective requires governance that combines social vision, including understanding of global issues, with efficient managerial skills. The research school leadership can be significantly strengthened through dialogue with all stakeholders, especially teachers and students, in higher education. The participation of teaching faculty in the governing body of the research schools should be encouraged bearing in mind the need to keep the size of these bodies within reasonable bounds.
The result of the institutional development activities will be documented as discussion papers on "ideal" structures for Research Schools & Transport Institutes. These papers will be discussed at joint workshops aiming at the production of a set of guidelines for the further institutional development of UI and UiTM with regard to higher education in the transportation field.