The Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds


Work Package 2



To prepare and carry out HRD in transportation research for different categories of staff (research supervisors, senior lecturers) as well as Ph.D. students.

WP 2.1 Identification of needs for transportation research training & supervision


To collect and analyse information relevant for determination of the needs for HRD of research staff that will promote the overall project objectives.
There is no universal standard requirement for obtaining a PhD, and the PhD programmes also differ considerably between the four partner universities in the TRANSLINK project. The aim of this action is not to create such a standard, but to review and identify crucial elements that strongly contribute to the HRD of the involved research training staff and PhD candidates. Based on this review a proposal will be developed and discussed until consensus is reached among all the partners regarding suitable teaching methods & material for transportation research and thesis supervision to be applied in the HRD.

The following issues will be studied:

a) Transportation research methodology
    - (project identification; scope & objectives; literature inventory;
       selection of
    - research strategy & methodology; data collection, reduction
      and analysis;
    - hypothesis testing; conclusions; ...)
b) How to write scientific papers
c) How to organisation and execute research seminars, workshops &
d) How to supervise a research student/project
e) Applied training in research supervision (case studies ...)

The activity will be the responsibility of the European partners supported by inventories and discus­sions with the Asian partners. The inventories will be initiated at the first kick-off meeting, and a plan will be prepared for review with the aim to jointly approve a plan at the second general meeting in year 1. The plan will be reviewed and if necessary revised at the first general meeting each subsequent year of the project.

WP 2.2 Development of methodology for training of research supervisors


To develop general principles, curriculum, methods of communication etc. essential for successful Ph.D. thesis supervision.


Development of methods for training of research supervisors (EU partners).
Joint development of a plan for the execution of the training.
Joint production of a draft "research supervisor guidelines" for continued and sustainable Ph.D. research programmes for both UI and UiTM.
The development work will be carried out by the European partners for joint approval by all partners. The work will start at the second general work session Year 1 (Month 4), and will be concluded at the second general work session (Year 1, Month 7).

WP 2.3 Training of research supervisors


To carry out HRD in the form of training of research supervisors from UI and UiTM including Ph.D. student thesis supervision, selection of research methodology & tools; ethics and quality assurance issues applicable in Ph.D. research.

The training will be administered as a series of short courses arranged by KTH and ITS in conjunction with the four annual work sessions each year, as exercises and case study research and by remote communication between European and Asian research supervisors related to the work of specific Asian Ph.D. students.

WP 2.4 Basic research training for Ph.D. students


To disseminate basic research skills to the Asian Ph.D. students.

The following type of activities are included:

  • Planning, development and execution of short courses in research methodology and related tools for analysis (Responsible: KTH and ITS).
  • Analysis of transportation problems and possible solutions in urban' areas using the PLUTO training programme (Responsible: ITS, see under section 1.8 below).
  • Discussion of the range of possible Ph.D. research topics (all partners).
  • Understanding the research process in the European universities (selected students registered in UiTM and UI will be given an opportunity to make short visits to study and conduct research activities at KTII-INFRA and ITS).

The short courses in research methodology for Asian Ph.D. students will take place at UI and UiTM in conjunction with the annual works sessions at these universities. Students from other Asian universities will be invited to join these course as well. The selection of suitable content and outline of cur­riculum for these courses will be carried out jointly by all the partners. The aim will be to cover trans­port policy issues as well as issues as well as scientific methodologies, computer aids and other tools applicable for transportation research focused on major urban transportation problems. The EU partners will then take the lead in the actual development and execution of each course.

The TRANSLINK project also includes research training of four Asian Ph.D. students through scholarships for longer study visits to Europe. Their studies at KTH and ITS will be coordinated with the ongoing research training for students registered at KTH and ITS.

WP 2.5 Case study research (demonstration projects)


To select and conduct case studies of specific transportation problems in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. The purpose of this exercise is to obtain practical knowledge of applied transportation research in co­operation with the concerned local authorities.
All partners will join in this activity with the aim to propose and initiated transport research case studies linked to actual transportation planning projects in the partner regions. The main purpose of the case studies is to use them in different research training exercises for Asian Ph.D. students. They may also form parts of PhD thesis work carried out by these students.

The case studies are selected and started at work sessions in the respective country. They will then go on for the rest of the project subject to annual reviews at each subsequent work session in that country.