The Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds


Work Package 1


WP 1.1 Project organisation and management


To ensure efficient and smooth running of the project in close cooperation between all the partners.
Actions to be undertaken:

  • Establishment of a Management Committee with senior representatives from all partners.
  • Development of a detailed work plan for execution of all WPs including objectives, methodology, time schedule and resources to be approved by the Management Committee.
  • Establishment of system and organisation for operational management and quality control of all activities and their output.
  • Day to day management of all actions.
  • Economic administration and reporting to EU.
  • Compilation of status reports and final reports based on final reports for each WP

The general plan for execution of many of the project activities will be to arrange four joint two weeks work sessions for project staff every year with a rotating schedule where each partner organises one such meeting at his university each year. The Asian Ph.D. students that are attached to the project will make longer visits at ITS and KTH.

Activity 1) and 2) will be carried out during a two week kick-off meeting in Stockholm in the first month of the project with participation of senior members from all the partners. At the same time the routines for 3) will be determined as a basis for the subsequent setup of administrative routines for this purpose.

Activity 4), 5) and 6) will be the main responsibility for the project coordinator (KTH-INFRA), who will perform overall planning, control, reporting and monitoring regarding the administrative and fi­nancial aspect of the project, and will operate a project office for this purpose. The project co­ordinator will also be responsible for the necessary administrative, managerial and progress reporting and deliverables to the Commission based on inputs from all the partners, as well to ensure that re­quirements for modifications will be communicated to the partners involved.

WP 1.2 Information & dissemination


To setup and operate a system for exchange and dissemination of information regarding the TRANSLINK project activities, progress and achieved results.
Actions to be undertaken:

  • Establishment of a project web site to be used for the management of the project as well as for dissemination of project results.
  • Execution of workshops and seminars for project participants and other invited organisations & individuals.
  • Media contacts

The main principles and rules regarding layout, access and information storage on a dedicated project web site will be discussed and agreed upon during the kick-off meeting in the first month of the project.

WP 1.3 Development of long term EU - Asia links


To review the aim, membership and methods for implementation of an expanded network for sustained linking of European and Asian universities in the field of transportation research and education.


This issue will be reviewed and discussed annually between all partners based on contacts with poten­tial future members of the TRANSLINK network.