Summary of contribution to objectives and
alleviation of problems
Objective |
Edinburgh Greenways |
W. Midlands Bus Showcase |
A 47 Hinckley Rd, Leicester |
Other evidence |
? |
longer term) |
longer term) |
longer term) |
longer term) |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
Summary of contribution to alleviation of key
problems |
Problem |
Edinburgh Greenways |
W. Midlands Bus Showcase |
A 47 Hinckley Rd, Leicester |
Other Evidence |
Congestion-related delay |
Congestion-related unreliability |
Community severance |
Visual intrusion |
Lack of amenity |
Global warming |
Local air pollution |
Noise |
Reduction of green space |
Damage to environmentally sensitive sites |
Poor accessibility for those without a car and those with mobility
impairments |
Disproportionate disadvantaging of particular social or geographic
groups |
Number, severity and risk of accidents |
Suppression of the potential for economic activity in the area
? |
? |
? |
= Weakest
possible positive contribution, |
= strongest
possible positive contribution |
= Weakest
possible negative contribution |
= strongest
possible negative contribution |
No contribution |
Gaps and Weaknesses in the evidence
None of the studies presented give a comprehensive cost benefit analysis
of the schemes post implementation. Selected statistics do not allow us
to draw any firm conclusions on the overall effectiveness of the schemes.
Furthermore, it is appropriate that bus priority measures are combined
with increases in service levels, marketing and vehicle quality improvements,
but implementation of these measures together however does make it difficult
to separate out the impacts of each element.
Appropriate contexts
Appropriate area-types |
Area type |
Suitability |
City centre |
Dense inner suburb |
Medium density outer suburb |
Less dense outer suburb |
District centre |
Corridor |
Small town |
Tourist town |
= Least suitable
area type |
= Most suitable
area type |
Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT