Evidence on Performance
The Handbook of Road Safety Measures (Elvik et al
1997, Elvik & Vaa 2003) that is the most comprehensive survey of road
safety measures made, includes meta-analysis of more than 30 studies on
the effects of different Pedestrian crossing facilities. The meta-analysis
assigns statistical weights to studies by sample size and sorts them by
design quality and thus gives the most systematic overview of impacts,
especially on traffic safety. The evidence of performance described, is
based on this information.
The studies included are from several countries; Australia, Canada,
Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden and USA.
Impacts on demand - delays
No detectable or well documented impacts on demand.
Waiting times for pedestrians and cars at different types of crossing
facilities depend on the amount of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. In
general, waiting times increase for pedestrians at all types of crossings
when vehicle traffic increases and vehicle waiting times increase when
the number of pedestrians crossing the road increases.
Marking pedestrian crossings reduces pedestrians’ waiting time compared
to informal crossing points, whatever the amount of traffic. Marked pedestrian
crossings give shorter waiting times than any other type of crossing.
By contrast, traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossings increase pedestrian
waiting times when crossing the road compared with the waiting time at
non-marked crossings. For vehicles, traffic signal controlled pedestrian
crossings give the shortest waiting time, and ordinary pedestrian crossings
the longest waiting times, especially when pedestrian traffic is heavy.
Providing traffic signals is assumed to impose a mean delay of 4 s per
pedestrian and 2 s per motor vehicle. The differences in the average waiting
times between different types of crossing facilities are never more than
around 25 seconds. This is true for both pedestrians and vehicles (Hunt
The results on waiting time (more queuing etc) are related to facilities
made for existing pedestrian crossings. All new specific pedestrians crossing
areas will induce time delays for cars compared to routes without pedestrian
crossings. On the other hand, organized crossings might give higher speed
between crossings, if fewer pedestrians choose to cross there.
Impacts on Supply
Management related pedestrian crossing facilities do not lay claim to
additional road space, such as infrastructure related measures will.
Other Impacts – Traffic Safety
Special attention should be given to the fact that many pedestrian crossing
facilities do nor work out as intended, i.e they have no or even an adverse
effect on accidents.
Marking an ordinary pedestrian crossing is associated with
an increase in the number of accidents, both pedestrian accidents and
accidents involving vehicles (Elvik et al 1997). The reason for this is
not very well known, but pedestrian feeling more safe might be one possible
explanation (Elvik 2000). Traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossings
on the other hand might reduce the accidents for all parties, but the
effects are only of significant importance when Pedestrian crossings with
separate phases for pedestrians at traffic signal controlled intersections
are used. Table 1 below also shows that the traffic safety effects are
much larger for infrastructure crossing facilities than for management
measures in this area (Elvik & Vaa 2003).

Effects of pedestrian
crossing facilities on injury accidents Percentage change in the number
of accidents. (Source: Elvik and Vaa 2003)
Percentage change in the number of accidents |
Ordinary marked pedestrian crossings |
Types of accident affected |
Best estimate |
95% Confidence interval |
Measures |
Pedestrian accidents |
+28 |
(+19; +39) |
Vehicle accidents |
+20 |
(+5; +38) |
All accidents |
+26 |
(+18; +35) |
Mid-block traffic signal controlled
pedestrian crossings |
Pedestrian accidents |
-12 |
(-18; -4) |
Vehicle accidents |
-2 |
(-9; +5) |
All accidents |
-7 |
(-12; -2) |
Pedestrian crossings with mixed
phases at traffic signal controlled intersections |
Pedestrian accidents |
+8 |
(-1; +17) |
Vehicle accidents |
-12 |
(-21; -3) |
All accidents |
-1 |
(-7; +6) |
Pedestrian crossings with separate
phases at traffic signal controlled intersections |
Pedestrian accidents |
-29 |
(-40; -17) |
Vehicle accidents |
-18 |
(-27; -9) |
All accidents |
-22 |
(-29; -14) |
Infrastructure measures |
Raised pedestrian crossings |
Pedestrian accidents |
-49 |
(-75; +3) |
Vehicle accidents |
-33 |
(-58; +6) |
All accidents |
-39 |
(-58; -10) |
Refuges on pedestrian crossings |
Pedestrian accidents |
-18 |
(-30; -3) |
Vehicle accidents |
-9 |
(-20; +3) |
All accidents |
-13 |
(-21; -3) |
Pedestrian guard rails |
Pedestrian accidents |
-24 |
(-35; -11) |
Vehicle accidents |
-8 |
(-33; +27) |
All accidents |
-21 |
(-32; -9) |
Connected to traffic safety is the pedestrians feeling of
security. This feeling might differ from the actual risks, but is nevertheless
an impact to consider.
Results of benefit cost analysis
A benefit cost analysis of the different types of traffic
signal controlled crossing shows a positive benefit-cost-ratio for a complete
signal regulation of an X-crossing, while the ratio is negative for a
single signal-controlled pedestrian crossing (Elvik & Rydningen 2002).
Recently undertaken benefit cost analysis of different traffic signals
can illustrate the relative importance of the impacts of pedestrian crossing
facilities (Elvik 2000, Elvik & Rydningen 2002). Table 2 shows that
inclusion of reduced insecurity is decisive for the results. When insecurity
is omitted, the net benefits are negative due to the delay imposed on
both motorists and pedestrians (Elvik 2000).
Benefit cost analysis of providing traffic
signals at a pedestrian crossing. Environmental impacts are minor and
are excluded. (Source: Elvik 2000)
Benefits and costs |
Amount (NOK) |
Savings in costs of: |
Accidents involving pedestrians and
cyclists |
865 000 |
Accidents involving motor vehicles only |
79 000 |
Security for pedestrians and cyclists |
6 381 000 |
Travel time for pedestrians and cyclists |
- 338 000 |
Travel time for motorised traffic |
- 3 651 000 |
Total benefits |
3 336 000 |
Costs: |
Costs of installing traffic signals |
270 000 |
Present value of maintenance costs for
25 years |
291 000 |
Opportunity cost of taxes (20% of public expenditure) |
112 000 |
Total costs |
673 000 |

Contribution to Objectives
The contribution will differ from a pedestrian and a car user perspective.
Both perspectives are commented below.
Objective |
Comment – Marked crossings |
Comment – Traffic signal controlled
crossings |
Decreases pedestrian waiting time but increases the
waiting time for cars at intersections |
Increases pedestrian waiting time but
decreases the waiting time for cars at intersections, compared to
other crossing measures |
Might reduce pedestrian severances |
Will reduce pedestrian severances in situations
with heavy traffic |
Might slightly increase noise and air pollution due
to longer waiting time for cars |
Might slightly increase noise and air
pollution due to cars waiting at the signals |
Shorter waiting time, but higher accidental rates
for pedestrians |
Longer waiting time, but lower accidental
rates for pedestrians |
Clearly negative impacts on safety both for pedestrians
and vehicles. |
Positive impacts on safety for pedestrians
and vehicles, when separate phases for pedestrians are used. |
No impact |
No impact |
Only small amounts of public funding is needed |
Public funding is needed
Gaps and Weaknesses
No studies have been found on the impacts of pedestrian crossing facilities
on mobility and travel demand. These effects are probably to weak to merit
further attention.

Text edited at the Institute for