

Policy Instruments

Physical restrictions
SummaryTaxonomy and descriptionFirst principles assesmentEvidence on performancePolicy contributionComplementary instrumentsReferences

Complementary instruments

Types of instrument Instruments to overcome financial barriers Instruments to overcome political barriers Instruments to compensate losers Instruments to reinforce benefits
Land use measures
Development densities including an increase in density throughout road capacity reduction area to reduce the need to travel
Development mix in which homes, jobs and shops are placed close together to reduce the need to travel
Development pattern designed to encourage use of public transport
Attitudinal and behavioral measures
Individualised marketing
Individualised marketing
Flexible working hours Flexible working hours
Car clubs Car clubs
Ride sharing Ride sharing
Infrastructure measures
All forms of public transport All forms of public transport All forms except car use measures
Management of the infrastructure Intelligent transport systems Bus priorities Public transport service levels Conventional traffic management
Urban traffic control systems
Traffic calming measures
Regulatory restrictions
Parking controls
Bus priorities Bus priorities
Cycle lanes and priorities Cycle lanes and priorities Cycle lanes and priorities
Information provision
Fleet management systems
Fares structures Parking charges
Urban road charging
Concessionary fares of public transport Fare measures of public transport

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Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT