The SPRUCE (UTMC01) Deliverables
Here is a list of the SPRUCE Deliverables
- Report One - will give an account of the review of research,
user needs and instructional requirements in relation to SVD
priority. It will also describe recommendations for the
architecture of SVD priority within a UTMC system.
- Report Two - will contain the detailed requirements for the
trial application, strategy and interfaces. The report will also
describe in detail the proposed tests and trials, including
evaluation criteria.
- Report Three - will contain results of the laboratory tests and
the analysis; proposals for any additional application
development that may be triggered by the laboratory tests;
detailed plans for the street trials in Leeds and Sheffield,
including evaluation criteria.
- Technical Note One - will detail the specifications for all the
open interfaces within the SVD priority applications developed.
Wherever possible the specifications will be generalised to
make them appropriate for inclusion within the UTMC
- Report Four - will analyse the results of the trials and
provide an evaluation. Technical note one will be updated in
the light of experiences gained in the implementation of the
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