External Vehicle Speed Control (EVSC)

For further information please contact:

Dr O.M.J. Carsten
Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds,
Leeds. LS2 9JT. UK
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 5348
Email: O.M.J.Carsten@its.leeds.ac.uk
Mark Fowkes
Motor Industry Research Association,
Watling Street,
Nuneaton. CV10 0TU. UK
Tel: +44 (0)247 635 5443
Email: mark.fowkes@mira.co.uk

Funding Organisation

Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions - Vehicle Standards and Engineering Division


February 1997 - February 2000

Project Partners

Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.
School of Computer Studies, University of Leeds.
Motor Industry Research Association

Project Reports (in Adobe Acrobat format)

The following reports are available.
  1. Executive Summary of Phase I
  2. Executive Summary of Phase II
  3. Executive Summary of Project Results
  4. Final Report